Different Ways for Students to Talk with a School Counselor

There are several ways for students to talk with their school counselor:

1.  Students can ask their classroom teacher if they can talk to a counselor during the school day.

2.  If a counselor is not in the counseling room when students comes down to visit, students leave a note.  A special note pad is on the corner of a table as soon as you enter room.  Students can leave the note on the table or tear it off and place it on the counselor's desk.

3.  Students can ask to talk to their counselor directly when we come into the classroom to teach.  We can visit with them after our lesson.

4.  Students can come down during lunch time to visit, if we are in the classroom.  Otherwise, they can leave a note and we will get back to them as soon as possible.

5. Parents or teachers can email the counselor to request a counseling visit. 

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