
Showing posts from February, 2017

Kelso's Song


Big Deal or Little Deal


Kelso's Wheel K-3


Make Silence a Daily Priority

Noise, news, phones, computers, pictures can all be distractions to our brain.  Silence can give an opportunity for reflection about our daily experiences and help us to gain perspective in areas in which we need to grow.  If we are constantly bombarding our minds with stimulus, when can we make the connections for learning? Rest, down time, or reflection time: whatever you want to call it -  can set the stage for our brain to gain meaning from your daily experiences. Step away from the noise and activity so your mind will be able to solidify meaning and to help you grow. Reflect and Connect

Are You Spotting the Signs?

Eastern Bluebird Biological insights from my husband: "The eastern bluebirds are arriving especially early this year. The males will migrate north in flocks to search for nesting sights that provide shelter and a stable food source. Keep an eye out for their brilliant blue color and red chests. The females, who lack the red on their chests, arrive weeks later. Even though the bluebird is our state bird, their numbers drastically declined in the 1970's and 1980's. After much investigation, it was discovered this was due to a commonly used insecticide at the time called DDT. Although DDT didn't hurt the birds, it affected the strength of their eggshells which became brittle and often broke during nesting, preventing babies from being born. DDT affected many other species of birds, including several falcons and hawks. After the ban of DDT, these species bounced back nicely and we can witness our state bird in abundance again. Listen for the males' warbling call

Count On Me - Bruno mars (animation)


Flyer Vision Monday 2-13-2017

Flyer Vision Monday 2-13-2017

Tomato Says Sorry


How Does Social Media Affect Youth?

How Does Social Media Affect Youth?

Cookie Apology

                                 We are practicing a life skill - A Sincere Apology An apology is like a cookie or sandwich... top layer: is the address to the person - "I owe you an apology, (name)." middle:  important details - do not repeat the cruel names "I know I hurt your feeling when I (acknowledge your action) and I realize it was not right." bottom layer:  "Will you forgive me?" Now a glass of milk to make things better: Is there something you can do to fix things?  hug, special time together How can you avoid this happening again?   hold your tongue, talk when you are calm                        Live and Learn

Flyer Vision Monday 2-6-17

Flyer Vision Monday 2-6-17

How to Apologize
