
Showing posts from November, 2010

How do I identify bully behavior and what can I do when I see it happening?

   We are helping our kids to identify different kinds of bullying behavior at Lindbergh.  In the lower grades, (k-3) we are helping our kids to identify verbal bullying behavior.  In the upper grades, (4 and 5) we are helping our students to identify bullying behavior in several ways:  verbal, physical, emotional, cyber and gender bullying behavior.  Our definition of bullying behavior is when a person repeatedly tries to harm, humiliate, or intimidate another person.   Our older kids are learning that 70% of kids are in the witness role, 15% are in the target role and 15% are in the bullying behavior role.  We have been discussing the cycle of bullying behavior that can be broken:  hurt - anger - revenge = unhealthy friendship.  We are teaching the kids to stand up for themselves and for others, to  invite the target to safety, and to report the behavior to an adult.  I refer to these methods to help a person in need as S.I.R. .   Our goal is for our students to be able to recogn

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!

Dear Lindbergh Community, Thank you for your vote of support in passing Prop L for our school and community.  We appreciate all the work and time spent educating our community to uphold our children's education.  We are giving our kids a gift for a life time! Sincerely, Dana Lenzen and Velina Critchlow