
Showing posts from August, 2014


This week we will have our first meeting with our Concord Leader Council.  Our hope is to encourage and give opportunity to our students to practice being a leader in our school community. We want the students to understand the value of rotation in a leadership role and the manner in which others can help, encourage and support one another to reach a group goal.

Concord Flyers Have the Power to Lead!

Welcome to the 2014-2015 Concord School Year! We are taking time to reacquaint with each other and taking time to get to know new students as well! Thank you for coming to our ice cream social last week.  It was an amazing turn out.  We hope to see you often throughout the year as your child grows with us.  You will have lots of opportunities to be a part of your child's school day. Please know we welcome your visits for lunch, parties, parent conferences, celebrations such as Bingo Night... the list goes on!                   Here's to a great school year!