
Showing posts from January, 2015

Finish Well!

        What is your motto when you fall in life?

Ability Awareness 2015

A heartfelt thanks to parent, Amy   Deguire,   for organizing our ability awareness speakers for third and fourth grade students. Some of the topics discussed were Downs Syndrome and Autism. Our students had a good day of learning.

Lindbergh Leader!


Conflict Resolutions

As we turn to the second half of our school year we absolutely hold onto our self regulation skills and begin a closer look to delve into problem solving skills. We will emphasize the problem solving skills as a lifetime continual effort to be part of a greater whole. You will be seeing information about Kelso's Choices in the coming weeks.  Our children will come to understand verbal and nonverbal choices to help them in many given situations. We want our children to feel empowered to be able to help themselves when we are not by their side.